Sunday, August 17, 2008


Heyy havent been in the updating mindset in a while, but ill be sure to post what ive been working on over the summer. Internships doin great, hope to hear how y'alls summers been when school starts!


Alex Chechik said...

Very strong piece, Matt! You really paid attention to detail and to the costume design.

I hope the summer at Silicon Knights was a great experience for you.

Matthew Lau said...

Thanks man, yeah it was a good experience for me, hope to hear lots about your experience when school starts!

Frank Hong said...

good man matt. nice to hear you had a good time in the intern. see you when school starts. haha, gotta tell me what awesomeness you've experienced.


Lettie Lo said...

yayy love this sexy girl

[B]ehram said...

damn dude that's a nice one. i'll let her board my ship anyday

Damian said...

Wow, you're lame B.

And yeah, Sweet ass piece man!

Leon JO said...

holy $#*T

best piece from u so far and 1 more thing

why so serious?


just kidding.

Unknown said...

very cool work Matt!

trevor dalmer said...

this is the best digi painting ive ever seen with my eyes.

Adam Temple said...

Duuuude, this one is incredible

Matthew Lau said...

wow B ur ruining my page with ur comments!